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فولادهای زنگ نزن

Zayandeh Roud Jahan Foulad Trading Company

Specialist in the field of consultation and supply of alloy steels, with the use of committed and experienced personnel and advanced equipment and machines, it is one of the most well-known distributors of steel sections and one of the pioneers of the industry.
Zayandeh Roud Jahan Steel Trading Company is the first agent of Isfahan Alloy Steel Industry and Esfrain Industrial Complex

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آزمــــــایشگـــاه جهــــان فـــــولاد

jahan foolad

Specialist in the field of consultation and supply of alloy steels, with the use of committed and experienced personnel and advanced equipment and machines, it is one of the most well-known distributors of steel sections and one of the pioneers of the industry.


We claim to be the best

What are our goals?

The perspective of the collection

Professional and expert team

The most suitable prices